• High fiber content
    High fiber content
  • Only 4 ingredients
    Only 4 ingredients
  • Excelent taste
    Excelent taste
  • Smooth texture
    Smooth texture
Hazelnut spread with cocoa - energy boost with natural antioxidants. Ideal for lovers of healthy, rich and tasty treats.... Learn more
Hazelnut Cream
In Stock
Hazelnut Cream
Hazelnut Cream
    • Flavor
    • Amount
12.90 €
200 g / 25 servings

Delight your taste buds

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This soft cream combines roasted hazelnuts with the addition of cane sugar and high-quality cocoa powder, creating a perfect harmony of flavors. It's the perfect way to add a little joy to every day, whether at breakfast or as a sweet treat throughout the day.

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